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Resident Spotlight - Hilda Gecker

To celebrate Hilda Gecker of the Samuel A. Green House turning 100, Service Coordinator, Marci Levinson sat down with Hilda to ask her some questions about her big birthday, and the reflection that comes along with such a remarkable milestone!


Marci: What amazing memories have you experienced during your lifetime?

Hilda: I have two childhood friends who are 100 and 98 years- we have been friends since we were kids. After all these years, we have kept in touch! I was a happy, young girl who enjoyed playing jump rope and games with my friends. When I got a bit older, I got a job at the catalog order desk at Sears.

Another fond memory is meeting my husband at a dance, dancing the night away with him. We later had a daughter, and a son. After our daughter was born, my husband went overseas to serve in the Army for 2 years.

Marci: What is your favorite part about living at the Samuel A. Green House?

Hilda: October 31, 2012 was my first day, and I was the first resident here. The residents here are the best part. I like everyone here- they are my extended family.

Marci: Is there something in your life that you feel has helped you get to this point?

Hilda: My family came from Hungary. I had many siblings- I was the second youngest. My parents educated me about culture, taking us to museums often. My parents were good, loving parents, even through the Depression. Also, as the Girl Scouts say, “Make new friends, keep the old. One is silver, and the other is gold.”

Marci: What are some words of wisdom that you can share with me?

Hilda: We all makes mistakes. Try to make the wrongs right. I am happy when I realize I am wrong, it’s a good feeling!

Happy 100th, Hilda!

Hilda Gecker

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Federation Housing

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